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[ML 머신러닝] Multi-Layer VS Single Layer 다중 레이어 VS 단일 레이어

이전에 [ML 머신러닝]에서 했던 학습들은 전부 레이어(Layer)를 하나만 쌓아서 학습했습니다. 이번 장에서는 Layer의 개수를 1개 더 늘려서 성능이 올라가는지 확인해보겠습니다. Layer를 하나 쌓아서 학습하는 LR(Linear regression)과 non-linear를 추가해서 layer 2개를 쌓아서 만든 MLP(Multi-Layer Percaptron)를 만들어 비교해보겠습니다. 전장에서 사용했던 Metal-Casting Parts dataset을 활용해서 진행해봅니다.

Step 1. Images of Metal-Casting Parts

필요한 모듈과 데이터를 불러옵니다.

from autograd import numpy
from autograd import grad
from matplotlib import pyplot
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
URL = 'https://github.com/engineersCode/EngComp6_deeplearning/raw/master/data/casting_images.npz'
urlretrieve(URL, 'casting_images.npz')

# read in images and labels
with numpy.load("/content/casting_images.npz", allow_pickle=True) as data:
    ok_images = data["ok_images"]
    def_images = data["def_images"]

데이터를 확인해줍니다.

n_ok_total = ok_images.shape[0]
res = int(numpy.sqrt(def_images.shape[1]))

print("Number of images without defects:", n_ok_total)
print("Image resolution: {} by {}".format(res, res))

n_def_total = def_images.shape[0]
print("Number of images with defects:", n_def_total)

fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(8, 6), tight_layout=True)
axes[0, 0].imshow(ok_images[0].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[0, 1].imshow(ok_images[50].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[0, 2].imshow(ok_images[100].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 0].imshow(ok_images[150].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 1].imshow(ok_images[200].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 2].imshow(ok_images[250].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
fig.suptitle("Casting parts without defects", fontsize=20);

fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(8, 6), tight_layout=True)
axes[0, 0].imshow(def_images[0].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[0, 1].imshow(def_images[50].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[0, 2].imshow(def_images[100].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 0].imshow(def_images[150].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 1].imshow(def_images[200].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
axes[1, 2].imshow(def_images[250].reshape((res, res)), cmap="gray")
fig.suptitle("Casting parts with defects", fontsize=20);

Step 2. Split Dataset

학습과 평가를 위한 dataset으로 나눕니다.

# numbers of images for validation (~ 20%)
n_ok_val = int(n_ok_total * 0.2)
n_def_val = int(n_def_total * 0.2)
print("Number of images without defects in validation dataset:", n_ok_val)
print("Number of images with defects in validation dataset:", n_def_val)

# numbers of images for test (~ 20%)
n_ok_test = int(n_ok_total * 0.2)
n_def_test = int(n_def_total * 0.2)
print("Number of images without defects in test dataset:", n_ok_test)
print("Number of images with defects in test dataset:", n_def_test)

# remaining images for training (~ 60%)
n_ok_train = n_ok_total - n_ok_val - n_ok_test
n_def_train = n_def_total - n_def_val - n_def_test
print("Number of images without defects in training dataset:", n_ok_train)
print("Number of images with defects in training dataset:", n_def_train)

numpy 패키지 안에 있는 split 함수로 나누어줍니다.

ok_images = numpy.split(ok_images, [n_ok_val, n_ok_val+n_ok_test], 0)
def_images = numpy.split(def_images, [n_def_val, n_def_val+n_def_test], 0)

numpy 패키지 안에 있는 concatenate 함수를 이용해서 train, val, test끼리 결함이 있는 이미지와 없는 이미지들을 합쳐줍니다.

images_val = numpy.concatenate([ok_images[0], def_images[0]], 0)
images_test = numpy.concatenate([ok_images[1], def_images[1]], 0)
images_train = numpy.concatenate([ok_images[2], def_images[2]], 0)

Step. 3 Data Normalization : Z-Score Normalization

$$z = \frac{x - \mu_\text{train}}{\sigma_\text{train}}$$

Z-Score를 이용하여 Train, Validation, Test 데이터를 정규화 합니다.

images_train.max(), images_train.min()

# calculate mu and sigma
mu = numpy.mean(images_train, axis=0)
sigma = numpy.std(images_train, axis=0)

# normalize the training, validation, and test datasets
images_train = (images_train - mu) / sigma
images_val = (images_val - mu) / sigma
images_test = (images_test - mu) / sigma
images_train.max(), images_train.min()

데이터를 확인해보면 255->7.xxx로 1 -> -4.xxx로 정규화 된것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

Step 4. Creating Labels and Classes

데이터셋에 Class Labels을 정해주어야 합니다. 즉, 이 이미지가 결함이 있는지 없는지 명시적으로 나타내주는 것입니다.

결함이 있는 것을 1로, 없는 것을 0으로 라벨링(labeling)해줍니다.

# labels for training data
labels_train = numpy.zeros(n_ok_train+n_def_train)
labels_train[n_ok_train:] = 1.

# labels for validation data
labels_val = numpy.zeros(n_ok_val+n_def_val)
labels_val[n_ok_val:] = 1.

# labels for test data
labels_test = numpy.zeros(n_ok_test+n_def_test)
labels_test[n_ok_test:] = 1.

입력으로 들어온 이미지에 결함이 있는지 없는지 알아내기 위해 Logistic Model을 사용합니다.

def classify(x, model, params):
    """Use a logistic model to label data with 0 or/and 1.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        The input of the model. The shape should be (n_images, n_total_pixels).
    params : a tuple/list of two elements
        The first element is a 1D array with shape (n_total_pixels). The
        second element is a scalar.
    labels : numpy.ndarray
        The shape of the label is the same with `probability`.
    This function only works with multiple images, i.e., x has a shape of
    (n_images, n_total_pixels).
    probabilities = model(x, params)
    labels = (probabilities >= 0.5).astype(float)
    return labels

출력 확률 값이 0.5보다 크면 결함이 있고, 0.5보다 작으면 결함이 없다고 하는 classify 함수를 만들었습니다.


Step 5. Evaluating Model Performance

이제 학습한 모델이 얼마나 잘 예측을 하는지 알아봅니다.

모델이 예측한 결과는 다음 4가지 종류로 분류할 수 있습니다.

  1. True Positive(TP) : 결함이 있다고 예측한 것들 중 실제로 결함이 있는 것
  2. False Positive(FP) : 결함이 있다고 예측한 것들 중에서 실제로 결함이 없는 것
  3. True Negative(TN) : 결함이 없다고 예측한 것들 중에서 실제로 결함이 없는 것
  4. False Negative(FN) : 결함이 없다고 예측한 것들 중에서 실제로 결함이 있는 것
  결함이 있다고 예측 결함이 없다고 예측
실제로 결함이 있음 $$N_{TP}$$ $$N_{TN}$$
실제로 결함이 없음 $$N_{FP}$$ $$N_{FN}$$

위에서 $N$은 개수를 나타냅니다. 

이제 위에서 설명한 것들을 가지고 가장 보편적으로 사용하는 지표 3가지를 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 

$$\text{accuracy} = \frac{\text{정확하게 예측한 개수}}{\text{예측한 전체 개수}} = \frac{N_{TP} + N_{TN}}{N_{TP}+N_{FN}+N_{FP}+N_{TN}}$$
$$\text{precision} = \frac{\text{결함이 있다고 정확하게 예측한 개수}}{\text{결함이 있다고 예측한 총 개수}} = \frac{N_{TP}}{N_{TP}+N_{FP}}$$
$$\text{recall} = \frac{\text{결함이 있다고 정확하게 예측한 개수}}{\text{실제로 결함이 있는 개수}} =\frac{N_{TP}}{N_{TP}+N_{FN}}$$

여기서 정밀도(Precision)와 재현율(Recall)로 F-score를 계산할 수 있습니다. 

$$\text{F-score} = \frac{(1+\beta^2) \text{precision} \times \text{recall}}{\beta^2 \text{precision} + \text{recall}}$$

$\beta$는 정밀도(Precision)와 재현율(Recall)중 어떤 것을 중점적으로 생각할지 우리가 결정하는 상수입니다.


정밀도(Precision)와 재현율(Recall) 사이에 우선순위를 정하는 것은 매우 중요한 작업입니다.

예를들어 CT 촬영 데이터를 가지고 암진단을 한다고 가정해봅니다. 실제로 암에 걸렸는데 안걸렸다고 판정하는것과 암에 안걸렸는데 걸렸다고 판정하는 것 두 가지중 어떤 것이 더 위험할까요?

환자가 암에 걸렸는데 안걸렸다고 판단을 내리는 것이 훨씬 위험할 것입니다. 이처럼 모델이 어떻게 사용되느냐에 따라서 둘 사이의 우선순위를 결정하는 것은 매우 중요한 일이 됩니다.

이제 accuracy와 f1-score을 구하는 함수를 코드로 작성해봅니다.

def performance(predictions, answers, beta=1.0):
    """Calculate precision, recall, and F-score.
    predictions : numpy.ndarray of integers
        The predicted labels.
    answers : numpy.ndarray of integers
        The true labels.
    beta : float
        A coefficient representing the weight of recall.
    precision, recall, score, accuracy : float
        Precision, recall, and F-score, accuracy respectively.
    true_idx = (answers == 1)  # the location where the answers are 1
    false_idx = (answers == 0)  # the location where the answers are 0
    # true positive: answers are 1 and predictions are also 1
    n_tp = numpy.count_nonzero(predictions[true_idx] == 1)
    # false positive: answers are 0 but predictions are 1
    n_fp = numpy.count_nonzero(predictions[false_idx] == 1)
    # true negative: answers are 0 and predictions are also 0
    n_tn = numpy.count_nonzero(predictions[false_idx] == 0)
    # false negative: answers are 1 but predictions are 0
    n_fn = numpy.count_nonzero(predictions[true_idx] == 0)
    # precision, recall, and f-score
    precision = n_tp / (n_tp + n_fp)
    recall = n_tp / (n_tp + n_fn)
    score = (
        (1.0 + beta**2) * precision * recall / 
        (beta**2 * precision + recall)

    accuracy = (n_tp + n_tn) / (n_tp + n_fn + n_fp + n_tn)

    return precision, recall, score, accuracy

Step 6. Model

Logistic regression과 2 Layers MLP model을 구현해봅니다.

def logistic(x):
    """Logistic/sigmoid function.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        The input to the logistic function.
        The output.
    The function does not restrict the shape of the input array. The output
    has the same shape as the input.

    return 1. / (1. + numpy.exp(-x))

로지스틱(시그 모이어) 함수입니다.

def LR_model(x, params):
    """A logistic regression model.
    A logistic regression is y = sigmoid(x * w + b), where the operator *
    denotes a mat-vec multiplication.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        The input of the model. The shape should be (n_images, n_total_pixels).
    params : a tuple/list of two elemets
        The first element is a 1D array with shape (n_total_pixels). The
        second element is a scalar (the intercept)

    probabilities : numpy.ndarray
        The output is a 1D array with length n_samples.

    return logistic(numpy.dot(x, params[0]) + params[1])

로지스틱 함수(Logistic Regression)를 사용한 LR 모델입니다.

def MLP_model(x, params):
    """ A MLP model.
    A MLP is y = sigmoid(max((x * w1 + b1), 0) *w2 +b2), where the operator *
    denotes a mat-vec multiplication.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        The input of the model. The shape should be (n_images, n_total_pixels).
    params : a tuple/list of four elemets
        The first element is a 1D array with shape (n_total_pixels). The
        second element is a scalar (the intercept)

    probabilities : numpy.ndarray
        The output is a 1D array with length n_samples.
    x = numpy.dot(x, params[0]) + params[1]
    x = numpy.maximum(x, 0)

    return logistic(numpy.dot(x, params[2]) + params[3])

레이어를 한 개 더 쌓은 MLP 모델입니다.


다음은 cost function을 만들어줍니다. Logistic regression장에서 사용했던 cost function을 다시 사용하겠습니다. 

$$\text{cost function} = -\sum_{i=1}^N y_{\text{true}}^{(i)} \log\left(\hat{y}^{(i)}\right) + \left( 1- y_{\text{true}}^{(i)}\right) \log\left(1-\hat{y}^{(i)}\right) $$

이것을 벡터꼴로 나타내면 다음과 같습니다. 

$$\text{cost function} = - [\mathbf{y}_{\text{true}}\log\left(\mathbf{\hat{y}}\right) + \left( \mathbf{1}- \mathbf{y}_{\text{true}}\right) \log\left(\mathbf{1}-\mathbf{\hat{y}}\right)]$$


코드로 구현해봅니다.

def model_loss(x, true_labels, model, params):
    """Calculate the predictions and the loss w.r.t. the true values.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        The input of the model. The shape should be (n_images, n_total_pixels).
    true_labels : numpy.ndarray
        The true labels of the input images. Should be 1D and have length of
    params : a tuple/list of two elements
        The first element is a 1D array with shape (n_total_pixels). The
        second elenment is a scalar.
    loss : a scalar
        The summed loss.

    pred = model(x, params)
    loss = - (
        numpy.dot(true_labels, numpy.log(pred+1e-15)) +
        numpy.dot(1.-true_labels, numpy.log(1.-pred+1e-15))
    return loss

Step 7. Initialization

LR과 MLP에서 사용할 Parameter들을 초기화합니다.

# a function to get the gradients of a logistic model
gradients = grad(model_loss, argnum=3)

# initialize LR parameters
std = 1e-4
LR_w = std * numpy.random.randn(images_train.shape[1])
LR_b = numpy.zeros(1)

# initialize MLP parameters
hidden = 32
w0 = std * numpy.random.randn(images_train.shape[1], hidden)
b0 = numpy.zeros(hidden)
w1 = std * numpy.random.randn(hidden)
b1 = numpy.zeros(1)

Step 8. Training / Optimization

두 모델을 학습하고, 최적화시킨 후 성능을 비교해봅니다.

총 5000번 학습을 하는 동안 가장 높은 정확도(Accuracy)를 측정해줍니다.

먼저 일반 Logistic Regression(LR) 모델입니다.

# learning rate
lr = 1e-5

# a variable for the change in validation loss
change = numpy.inf

# a counter for optimization iterations
i = 0

# a variable to store the validation loss from the previous iteration
old_val_loss = 1e-15
best_acc = 0.0
# keep running if:
#   1. we still see significant changes in validation loss
#   2. iteration counter < 10000
while i < 5000:
    # calculate gradients and use gradient descents
    grads = gradients(images_train, labels_train, LR_model, (LR_w, LR_b))
    LR_w -= (grads[0] * lr)
    LR_b -= (grads[1] * lr)
    # validation loss
    val_loss = model_loss(images_val, labels_val, LR_model, (LR_w, LR_b))
    # calculate f-scores against the validation dataset
    pred_labels_val = classify(images_val, LR_model, (LR_w, LR_b))
    score = performance(pred_labels_val, labels_val)
    best_acc = max(best_acc, score[3])
    # calculate the chage in validation loss
    change = numpy.abs((val_loss-old_val_loss)/old_val_loss)

    # update the counter and old_val_loss
    i += 1
    old_val_loss = val_loss
    # print the progress every 10 steps
    if i % 10 == 0:
        print("{}...".format(i), end="")

score = performance(pred_labels_val, labels_val)
print("Upon optimization stopped:")
print("    Iterations:", i)
print("    Best Accuracy:", best_acc)

MLP 모델입니다.

# learning rate
lr = 1e-5

# a variable for the change in validation loss
change = numpy.inf

# a counter for optimization iterations
i = 0

# a variable to store the validation loss from the previous iteration
old_val_loss = 1e-15
best_acc = 0.0

# keep running if:
#   1. we still see significant changes in validation loss
#   2. iteration counter < 10000
while i < 5000:
    # calculate gradients and use gradient descents
    grads = gradients(images_train, labels_train, MLP_model, (w0, b0, w1, b1))
    w0 -= (grads[0] * lr)
    b0 -= (grads[1] * lr)
    w1 -= (grads[2] * lr)
    b1 -= (grads[3] * lr)
    # validation loss
    val_loss = model_loss(images_val, labels_val, MLP_model, (w0, b0, w1, b1))
    # calculate f-scores against the validation dataset
    pred_labels_val = classify(images_val, MLP_model, (w0, b0, w1, b1))
    score = performance(pred_labels_val, labels_val)
    best_acc = max(best_acc, score[3])
    # calculate the chage in validation loss
    change = numpy.abs((val_loss-old_val_loss)/old_val_loss)

    # update the counter and old_val_loss
    i += 1
    old_val_loss = val_loss
    # print the progress every 10 steps
    if i % 10 == 0:
        print("{}...".format(i), end="")

score = performance(pred_labels_val, labels_val)
print("Upon optimization stopped:")
print("    Iterations:", i)
print("    Best Accuracy:", best_acc)

실재로 측정 결과 MLP 모델이 LR 모델보다 더 높은 정확도(Accuracy)가 나왔습니다.


Layer의 개수가 많아지고, 사이에 비선형함수(Non-Linear Function)이 추가되면, Linear한 관계만 모델링하던 LR 모델보다 더 다양하고 복잡한 함수를 모델링 할 수 있게 됩니다. 그 결과로 데이터를 잘 설명 할 수 있게 되고, 더 높은 정확도(Accuracy)를 가질 수 있게 됩니다.


더 많은 Layer를 쌓고 추가 실험을 하면서 정확도(Accuracy)도 한 번 비교해보세요!